In January, Ashley Williams (Swansea and Wales football captain) visited the Nursery to present us with our second accreditation from the
Montessori Education Accreditation Board (MEAB). This is very much like an Estyn report and takes place every three years.

There are only 156 accredited Montessori schools worldwide and we are very proud to be able to have achieved our second accreditation. Parents are able to view the accreditation report on our website, and obtain further information. The Children’s Room is the only Montessori nursery in South Wales and we are now entering our seventh year.


This term sees the introduction of another exciting development as we introduce ‘My Montessori Child’. This is a state-of-the-art, web-based reporting system which can be accessed by parents via a secure login so that they can be informed on their child’s progress and have a look at what has been happening in the nursery.

Many nurseries in England have introduced it over the past two years to the delight of busy parents and carers who can take a proactive approach to their child’s development from wherever they are. It also works as a very important toolset for the nursery itself as we are able to record developmental information regarding our children in a structured and consistent format.

On the fun side, we can upload pictures and works of art that can be shared amongst relatives and friends as well as provide information on holidays and other events.

If you would like to find out more about The Children’s Room, please contact us on 01792 535919 or 07800 511191 and we would be delighted to show you around.

Alternatively come along to our Open Morning on Saturday 8th March, 10am-1pm.